
In August 2021, a series of eleven training sessions on Food Safety Profiling, Surveillance, and Testing Laboratory were delivered in collaboration with the National Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM) to enhance the capacity of competent authorities concerned with the  implementation of Article 50 of Government Regulation No. 86/2019 concerning Food Safety. The good outcome of the training prompted BPOM to gather deeper knowledge on food safety risk ranking and prioritisation. The three-day workshop should also contribute to the development of a Guideline for the Integrated Handling Mechanism of Food Safety Incidence using the INA-IFSS/NQA Model.

Around 60 participants including representatives of BPOM, Bappenas, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health, the National Standardisation Agency, the Indonesian Institute of Science, and the IPB University participated in the six sessions of training conducted on 1, 3, and 5 November 2021.
The Deputy for Control of Processed Food at BPOM, Ms Rita Endang, said that the enhanced capacity of the national authorities in food safety would strengthen and improve a synergistic and integrated national food control system.

"An improved national food control system is vital to support the availability of safe, good quality and nutritious food for the people of Indonesia," Ms Endang said during her opening remarks.

Prof. Dr Dedi Fardiaz, a teaching professor in the Food Science and Technology Department of IPB University, delivered the training supported by Dr Arief Safari, ARISE+ Indonesia Senior Expert on Standardisation and Conformity Assessment. The trainers provided participants with case studies on food risk ranking and prioritisation to exercise the skills in handling food safety incidence. The trainers also facilitated discussion sessions to gather input and feedback from participants on a draft of the Guideline for the Integrated Handling Mechanism of Food Safety Incidences using existing models, the INA-IFSS (Indonesian Integrated Food Safety System) and NQA (National Quality Assurance). Based on an assessment conducted in 2018, FAO/WHO recommended building a Risk-based National Food Control System supported by INRASFF, INARAC, and JLPPI.

The Director of Control of Processed Food, Ms Cendekia Sri Murwani, concluded the training. She underlined the importance of exemplary implementation of the draft guideline for the community benefit.


Presentation Materials

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