
The Rapid Exchange of Information System (RAPEX) is the EU rapid alert system for unsafe consumer products and consumer protection. RAPEX allows a quick exchange of information on measures such as repatriation or product recalls.

In Indonesia, a similar scheme called INRAPEX will enable the Indonesian market surveillance bodies to communicate about unsafe products. The INRAPEX scheme is inspired by the successful RAPEX system.

The purpose of the two-day workshop is to present RAPEX to the key stakeholders (ministries, inspectorates, etc.) to establish a common understanding of how the system works and thereby provide inputs to the vision of how INRAPEX shall operate in the future.

Date : Wed – Thurs, 22-23 September 2021
Time : 13:00 – 16:30 (Jakarta Time, GMT+7)
Venue : Online
Participant : Ministry of Trade, Provincial Trade Offices (60 participants)

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