
Technical Assistance II

Trade in goods continues to be hampered by non-tariff measures (NTMs), despite the fact that the prevalence of tariffs as barriers to international trade has declined, due to the tariff reduction efforts at the multilateral and bilateral levels. NTMs include, among others, packaging requirements, labelling requirements, import quotas, etc. UNCTAD-WB (2018) characterises NTMs as the “grey zone where trade policy meets national regulation”. Therefore, reducing bilateral barriers to trade in services and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods should be a key item in the negotiating agenda.

The objective of the training is to strengthen the capacity of MoT officials in NTMs to support the ongoing Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations. The training on NTMs will be delivered in three parts. The first training will focus on enhancing the officials’ technical understanding of the current legal frameworks regulating NTMs at the multilateral and bilateral levels. The training will cover the various WTO agreements on key NTM matters, including SPS, TBT, trade remedies, and trade facilitation. The second training will discuss NTM reporting and classification for analysis, quantitative approaches to measure the effects of NTMs, the NTMs regulatory good practices, and addressing NTMs proactively.  


  • Workshop I: Monday-Friday, 4-8 July 2022
  • Workshop II: Monday-Thursday, 25-28 July 2022

Time: 09:00-15:00 (GMT+7)
Venue: hybrid
Participants: officials from the Ministry of Trade and line ministries critical for trade in goods.

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