
Technical Assistance II

Food safety is a global concern, and the responsibility is shared between the government, food industries and consumers. Thus, it is crucial that stakeholders have a better understanding of the risk analysis concept and how a risk-based food control system could be developed (as recommended by FAO/WHO in 2018).

A workshop will be organised with the main objective of the assignment to facilitate the implementation of Government Regulation No. 86/2019, Article 50, that food control be implemented based on risk analysis.

Date: Monday, 17 October 2022
Time: 09:00-17:00
Venue: offline
Participants: National Standardization Agency (BSN), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Bappenas, Ministry of Trade (Dit. Standalitu), Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Health, BPOM, Industry Associations, Consumer Associations,

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