
Technical Assistance I

Safeguard Training

With support from ARISE+ Indonesia, the Indonesian Trade Defense Committee (Komite Pengamanan Perdagangan Indonesia/KPPI) of the Ministry of Trade organised training for its Safeguard investigation officers. The training aims to increase KPPI's skills level to enable them better undertake safeguard investigations in line with Indonesia's WTO obligations.

The training will be delivered in the format of lectures and discussions, as well as case studies that will be performed individually by the KPPI officers. The training material was developed based on the gap analysis results undertaken prior to the training.

Date: Monday-Thursday, 6-9 June 2022
Time: 09:00-13:00 Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Venue: offline/in-person training
Participants: KPPI officers

Safeguards Workshop

The key to safeguarding issues and relevant precedents will be presented in a workshop for broader stakeholders, including the KPPI officers, the MoT trade remedy directorates, and the private sector.

The workshop's objectives are to strengthen the capacity of KPPI to conduct safeguard investigations, the DPP to defend such investigations, and the private industry to lodge safeguard applications.

Date: Friday, 10 June 2022
Time: 09:00-15:00 Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Venue: offline
Participants: KPPI officers, Trade Defense Directorates of the Ministry of Trade, private sector

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