
Technical Assistance II

The first training (Workshop 1) will go over the basic elements of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), demystify trade in services commitments vis-à-vis the ability to enhance capacity to develop domestic policy, and analyse the specific commitments made by the EU and specific Member States in selected sectors. The aim of the training is to enhance the officials’ technical understanding of the current frameworks on trade in services at the multilateral and bilateral levels.

The second training (Workshop 2) will provide trainees with understanding and skills to analyse and interpret international Trade in Services data and the existing limitation once they have familiarised themselves with the legality and economics of Trade in Services.

Workshop 1: Services Commitments in Trade Agreements  
Date: Monday-Friday, 6-10 June 2022
Time: 09:00-16:00 Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Venue: Jakarta
Participants: the MoT and line ministries

Workshop 2: Analysis of Trade in Services  
Date: Tuesday-Friday, 21-24 June 2022
Time: 09:00-16:00 Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Venue: Bandung
Participants: the MoT and line Ministries

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