
Technical Assistance I

The Directorate of Trade Defence, the Ministry of Trade (MoT), with support from ARISE+ Indonesia, is organising a Train the Trainer training programme for up to 15 nominated trainers from the MoT and up to 5 academics from Padjajaran University Law Faculty (UNPAD) in Bandung. The training will focus on coaching the nominated trainers to deliver introductory training to MoT Trade Remedy Directorates recruits, junior investigators and case handlers, and government officials who require a working knowledge of trade remedy actions. The introductory training will cover critical aspects of anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, safeguards, injury and causal link and trade remedy investigation procedures. The training will address the six performance gaps, including knowledge, skills, mindset, motivation, communication and environment. The nominated officials will learn how to develop training material, including how to do research, plan their training, and design activities to keep learners engaged during the skills development session.

Date: Wednesday-Friday, 3-5 August 2022
Time: 09:00-16:30
Venue: offline - Bandung
Participants: the Ministry of Trade, academia

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