The Functional Officer for Industry and Trade Counselling (Pejabat Fungsional Perindustrian dan Perdagangan) plays an important role in providing information services for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on technical regulations for export markets.

The Ministry of Industry, with support from ARISE+ Indonesia, organises webinar series as training of trainer programme for 282 Functional Consultant Officers across Indonesia to carry out the same training for the SMEs in the future.
The five-day webinar will discuss five different topics as follows:
Opening Workshop – Export, Standards and Quality
14 June 2021 at 14:00 - 17:00 (tentative)
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce the participants to some of the aspects to be taken into account when a small or medium-sized company is considering exporting its products. The workshop will focus on two areas, namely the regulation of markets and the considerations to be made with regard to quality. The workshop should be an introduction to a number of topics that will be deepened in subsequent workshops.
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce the participants to some of the aspects to be taken into account when a small or medium-sized company is considering exporting its products. The workshop will focus on two areas, namely the regulation of markets and the considerations to be made with regard to quality. The workshop should be an introduction to a number of topics that will be deepened in subsequent workshops.
Quality Management for Small and Medium Industries exporters
15 June 2021 at 14:00 - 17:00 (tentative)
The purpose of this workshop is to give the participants a slightly deeper understanding of what is required to document and, not least, maintain a given level of quality. The workshop will review the process and requirements for companies facing the introduction of quality management based on the principles of ISO 9000.
The purpose of this workshop is to give the participants a slightly deeper understanding of what is required to document and, not least, maintain a given level of quality. The workshop will review the process and requirements for companies facing the introduction of quality management based on the principles of ISO 9000.
HACCP for SMI exporters
16 June 2021 at 14:00 - 17:00 (tentative)
The purpose of this seminar is to give the participants a deeper understanding of what is required to document and not least maintain a given level of food quality. The seminar will review the process and requirements for companies facing the introduction to quality management for food products based on the principles of HACCP
The purpose of this seminar is to give the participants a deeper understanding of what is required to document and not least maintain a given level of food quality. The seminar will review the process and requirements for companies facing the introduction to quality management for food products based on the principles of HACCP
Standard and Technical Regulation for Export
17 June 2021 at 14:00 - 17:00 (tentative)
This seminar focuses on the regulation of typical export markets - in particular the European market. The seminar will cover both the regulation of the markets in the form of technical regulation and also present other requirements that exporters may meet when concluding export agreements. This may take the form of references to international or regional standards or private standards.
This seminar focuses on the regulation of typical export markets - in particular the European market. The seminar will cover both the regulation of the markets in the form of technical regulation and also present other requirements that exporters may meet when concluding export agreements. This may take the form of references to international or regional standards or private standards.
Placement New Product on New Market - Step by Step
18 June 2021 at 14:00 - 17:00 (tentative)
This seminar will take a practical approach to the methods to be used before deciding whether a company - or several companies together - will penetrate one or more export markets. The seminar will focus on the incentives on which to export, methods for examining export markets and the requirements for products placed on the chosen market.
This seminar will take a practical approach to the methods to be used before deciding whether a company - or several companies together - will penetrate one or more export markets. The seminar will focus on the incentives on which to export, methods for examining export markets and the requirements for products placed on the chosen market.