
The National Standardization Agency (BSN) held two workshops on Good Standardisation Practice and Good Regulatory Practice, with assistance from ARISE+ Indonesia. As the national standardisation body, BSN plays a central role in making standards available to the business community and ensuring that all national standards are up-to-date and harmonised with international standards.

The first workshop, Good Standardisation Practice (GSP), took place on 15-16 February 2022 and provided the participants with a general introduction to standardisation rules, principles, and procedures. 

More than 200 members of technical committees from BSN, ministries, private sector and academia participated in the workshop delivered on a virtual platform by the ARISE+ Indonesia's Export Quality Infrastructure Expert, Carsten Kudahl.

The capacity building program in standardisation is vital, with Indonesia aiming to increase its exports and take a more prominent role in international markets. During the workshop opening, the Director of Standard Development of Agro, Chemical, Health and Halal, the National Standardization Agency (BSN), Dr Wahyu Purbowasito, highlighted the importance of standardisation and its contribution to economic growth and productivity as evidenced in several countries. He gave an example of France, where standards have contributed to 25% GDP in 2009. 

"We need to enhance the use of standards by our Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and industries if we want them to be able to penetrate the global market," Dr Wahyu said. 

During the two half-day sessions, the participants learned about the cycle of standardisation, the role of key actors within standardisation, standardisation deliverables, other standards than international and national standards, and the use of standards for regulation. 

One of the workshop participants from the private sector, Agus Tonny, the Deputy Director of Operations for a manufacturing company in Surabaya, said that the workshop was very insightful and increased his knowledge.    

The second workshop, Good Regulatory Practice (GRP), was delivered virtually by the ARISE+ Indonesia Expert Carsten Kudahl on 22-23 February 2022. More than 100 members of technical committees from BSN, ministries, private sector and academia participated in the event. The primary purpose of the workshop was to provide the participants with an introduction to GRP, which is internationally highly prioritised as it contributes to greater transparency and coherence in legislation. At the same time, GRP includes methods that clarify the impacts of new legislation and thus ensure a better overview of the costs and benefits of new legislation.


Presentation Materials


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