
Technical Assistance I

The Ministry of Trade, with support from ARISE+ Indonesia, holds a series of online training aiming to strengthen the capacity of the functional officers, whose primary role and duty is to provide advice to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). 

The topics covered in the five sets of three hours of online training include Quality Management for Small and Medium Size Enterprises, HACCP for Small and Medium Size exporters (pre-recorded video), Standards and Technical Regulations for Export, Good Manufacturing Practice, and Product Placement on a New Market (Step-by-Step).

The HACCP for Small and Medium Industries Exporters Webinar was pre-recorded on a video and already shared with the functional officers to introduce the topics before a comprehensive HACCP training conducted under ARISE+ Indonesia Technical Assistance 2 at the end of October.

The workshops on the 14, 17 and 18 November will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia, while the workshop on the 16th of November will be in English with provided interpretation.

Date: Monday & Wednesday-Friday, 14 & 16-18 November 2022
Time: 13:00-16:00 Western Indonesian Time (GMT+7)
Venue: online training
Participants: functional officers at the Directorate of Standardization and Quality Control (Dit. Standalitu), Center for Testing and Quality Certification of Goods (BPSMB) at the provincial level under the Ministry of Trade



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