
Technical Assistance II

Catfish export to fast-growing markets is in high demand. To seize the export opportunity, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, in collaboration with ARISE+ Indonesia, will hold a Seminar on Market Access for Pangasius to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).  

The Seminar aims to raise awareness of the requirements of catfish export (official controls in KSA) along the value chain, thus will enhance the export performance of Indonesian fisheries products.

The event will also enhance cross-ministries and agencies' cooperation between DG Product Competitiveness of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, DG National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade, and BPOM as the National Competent Authority for food safety exports.

The Seminar will include a presentation and speeches, a panel discussion, and follow-up interviews of key stakeholders and is part of the 2022 Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) event at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City, Jakarta.

Date: Thursday, 20 October 2022
Time: 08:00-12:00
Venue: Hybrid
             - Offline: Stage 2 Hall 5-6, ICE BSD City (limited to 70 seats)
             - Online: Zoom & Live Streaming YouTube ARISE Plus Indonesia
Participants: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Trade, BPOM, Indonesian Catfish Entrepreneurs Association (APCI), traders, importers, and officials from various countries importing fisheries products

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