
Risk-based food control system is mentioned in Article 50 of Government Regulation No. 86/2019 concerning Food Safety, which states that "In order to strengthen the control of Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition, the head of National Agency for Drug and Food Control coordinates the following activities: (a) food safety risk assessment; (b) food safety risk management; and (c) food safety risk communication.

The main objective of this series of training workshops is to strengthen the risk-based food control system in Indonesia and to build capacity within institutions implementing the regulation through the provision of training on food safety risk profiling, surveillance, and laboratory testing.

Date: 13, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27 August 2021

Time: 09:00 - 16:30 (Jakarta time, GMT+7)

Participant: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries, BPOM, Ministry of Health, Bappenas, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, JLPPI, universities (around 30 participants)

Venue: Online

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