
Technical Assistance II

A workshop is organised to commence the series of capacity-building activities to support the Ministry of Trade in strengthening the capacity of trade analysts and negotiators at the Directorate of Trade in Services and the Directorate of World Trade Organisation in two areas that are key to the ongoing Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations, namely Trade in Services (TiS) and Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs). 

The capacity-building and technical advice will be delivered in two activities for Trade in Services (TiS) and two activities for Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs), namely: developing a monitoring mechanism that aims to track the performance of Indonesia’s Trade in Services sector, developing a coordination mechanism for trade in services will be designed to inform relevant stakeholders of the MoT’s decisions with respect to this area, including line ministries and private sector associations, developing a framework to address foreign NTBs faced by Indonesian companies abroad to ensure that Indonesia’s trade potential is realised, and developing a framework on notifying import licensing requirements at the WTO to improve understanding in line ministries, including the MoT, on the importance, process, and conditions for notifying the objectives and reasons behind licensing requirements, processes for obtaining the licences, and agencies involved. 

Date: Tuesday-Thursday, 8-11 August 2023
Time: 09:00-17:00 Jakarta time (GMT+7)
Venue: Jakarta
Participants: trade analysts and negotiators under the Directorate General of International Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Trade 


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